Chocolate Banana Cake – soft, moist, chocolatey and nutty. Yes, chocolate does enhance the taste of so many things, especially cakes.
It’s good to go bananas over bananas. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, are low in calories and very friendly to the tummy. Bananas are available all year round, can serve the purpose of a quick healthy and filling snack and are one of the most hygienic fruits to carry along. All this is fine as long as the peels are a glowing yellow in colour and firm to the touch.
When those nice yellow bananas sit on the counter for a couple of days they undergo a transformation in looks, texture and composition. The peel turns black, the inside is soft and mushy and the sweetness quotient takes a leap. The first impulse is to toss them into the bin. That would be a very hasty step to take. How about giving these mushy monsters a makeover?
Banana cakes are probably one the best ways to use up those very ripe bananas. Add a little charming chocolate and the tastebuds will be asking for more.
As is with all my cakes, I have again used wholewheat flour. I had decided to try out this recipe with refined flour but out of habit ended up using wholewheat. This is a personal choice and you can always replace the wholewheat with refined flour. There will definitely be a change in texture and taste (for the better) but from the health perspective wholewheat is always the winner.
On the sugar front also I could do with a little less. The half cup makes it sweet enough and the ripe bananas too contribute their share of sweetness. I have used brown sugar and would advice you too to use the same. Brown sugar has its own taste and flavour. But if you do not have it white sugar will also work fine.
Soft, moist, chocolatey and nutty - Banana Chocolate Nut Cake.
- Whole wheat flour - 1 cup (replace two tablespoons of the flour with cocoa powder)
- Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
- Baking powder - 1 tsp
- Salt - a pinch
- Bananas - 3/4 cup mashed
- Egg - 1 large
- Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
- Oil - 1/2 cup
- Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
- Chocolate chips - 1/2 cup
- Walnuts crushed - 1/2 cup
- Milk - 2 tbsp
- Pre-heat oven to 180 degree Celsius.
- Grease and dust a 6 inch loaf tin.
- Combine and sieve the first four ingredients, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
- Separate the egg.
- In a large mixing bowl, whip the egg white till light and fluffy.
- Add sugar and whip again till well mixed.
- Add the vanilla and oil and whip again for a minute. The mixture will be light and creamy.
- Add the egg yolk and beat for half a minute.
- Add the flour half at a time, mixing well in between.
- Set aside 1 tablespoon each of chocolate chips and crushed walnuts.
- Add the remaining to the cake mix.
- Add the milk and mix again.
- Pour the batter in the prepared tin.
- Sprinkle the reserved chocolate chips and crushed walnuts on the cake batter.
- Bake in pre-heated oven for 30-35 minutes.
- The cake will be done when the skewer or tooth pick comes out clean.
- Cool on a wire rack.

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